Inspirational show – An Extra – Ordinary Garden at NZ Flower & Garden Show

The NZ Flower and Garden show 2017 was very inspiring.  The gardens on display required lots of work, manual labour and above all love.  We were humbled to have shared this experience with so many talented gardeners, landscapers, florists and retailers who spent many long hours working to ensure their displays were ready in time for judging.  Every display looked amazing filled with colour, interesting plants and resources.

Many of the entrants had a few months to plan and develop their display, we however had 3 weeks to put together a garden plan and to build our garden from scratch.  Thank you to Plant Zero Angelique being our main sponsor provided the rescued plants for our ‘Extra-Ordinary Garden’.  We promoted sustainable practices that have a low impact on the environment.  All the resources used were pre-loved including the wood to build the garden beds.  The plants had been rescued meaning they were to be binned however Plant Zero is in the business of recovering plants.  We are so pleased to have gained a ‘Merit’ award for our efforts.

We will definitely enter the 2018 NZ Flower and Garden show and aim to improve our display through a better design and have time to plan the display.

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