NZ Flower & Garden Show

NZ Flower and Garden Show 2018 28/11/18 to 2/12/18 – we were not sure if we should but we did enter again this year and it was really fantastic.  It means a lot of work for Kim and Jeanette to set up the garden and build it from scratch.  We managed to gain a couple of helpers which was really appreciated so thank you to Anaru and Ore who gave us a hand.

We had learnt a lot from our previous entry last year and set out to create a garden with colour and contrast which we believe we achieved.  We gained a merit again this year and felt that the garden was the best ever.

2017 show

After attending an after five business function at the beginning of October for the first time, we found ourselves being offered an opportunity that we could not resist.  We were asked if we were interested in entering the NZ Flower & Garden Show at the Trusts Arena 29/11/17 to 3/12/17.  Of course we said yes as its an opportunity to show case our work.

We want to promote sustainable practices where practical.  We believe that old fashioned gardening is becoming a thing of the past.  What our grandparent and parents did to feed their families and provide peaceful environments, are especially important to keep alive.  Its all very well to go out and buy new plants, sterile soil and compost, build a lovely looking garden however those lovely gardens will be purely built to look pretty but no real life will be present.

Composting & mulching gardens are high on the list, creating garden beds from non treated wood to provide a safe environment to plant edible plants, vegetables and fruit trees.  Many people want a low maintenance garden where weeds simply disappear from sight.  Sorry to say that there is no such thing all gardens require some work however mulching your garden will keep weeds at bay.

Kim and I look forward to meeting you at the show please check it out